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Brooke Levandowski

Providing a supportive clinical environment for individuals who are employed in the sex work industry, 4/22, 10am

The HEAT Program at SUNY Downstate Medical Center would like to invite you all to our Brooklyn is PrEP'd! Network meeting on April 22nd from 10 am-11:30 am.

With the instability of the job market due to COVID-19 or to supplement one's income, sex work or online adult content creation has become a more viable option for many individuals. Too often, however, those engaged in sex work do not inform their medical providers about their profession because of the likely possibility that they will be stigmatized, judged, or urged to discontinue their work. The lack of an affirming medical care environment may leave a vulnerable patient population at risk for several sexual health issues. We have assembled a panel of individuals who are employed in the sex work industry and are willing to discuss their experiences with seeking care so that we can better understand how to provide a supportive environment.

Registration is open:


Providing a supportive clinical environment for individuals who are employed in the sex work industry, 4/22, 10am
Providing a supportive clinical environment for individuals who are employed in the sex work industry, 4/22, 10am



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